Jewelry from Sacred Wellness
At Sacred Wellness, we embrace safe and natural means of achieving peak emotional and physical health. We explore a variety of possibilities and provide the tools to assist in personal growth, wellness and better quality of life. Whether you’re looking to shift energy, block negativity, stimulate the mind or boost imagination, we offer a stylish array of jewelry.
Stone Jewelry
Explore the distinctive properties of each stone and choose an accessory that fits your sense of self. We’re happy to explain the subtle effects and guide you toward the ideal selection. Our variety of stones include malachite, lapis lazuli, citrine, kunzite, amethyst, agate, cedar beads and more, all of them beautiful and unique. Sacred Wellness is your welcoming destination within easy reach of anywhere throughout Santa Fe, Espanola, Eldorado, Santo Domingo Pueblo, Pecos, Tesuque, Pena Blanca and Cochiti Pueblo, NM.