Healing Crystals
Healing crystals are becoming more mainstream as more people strive to draw out negative energies and achieve a better quality of life. Our options include selenite, a white/clear stone known for powerful healing properties, and rose quartz used for meditation and to clear the complexion. Obsidian offers a shield against negativity while opalite provides calming, soothing energy.Â
Healing Accessories from Sacred Wellness
Spiritual healing centers around harmony and balance and is reflected in the physical body. The flow of energy through the chakras affects our way of thinking and feeling. At Sacred Wellness, we focus on improving the clarity of thoughts as overall happiness and physical wellness. Browse our collection of holistic accessories. Feel free to ask questions and find the perfect treasure. Our location makes us an ideal destination from anywhere across Santa Fe, Espanola, Eldorado, Santo Domingo Pueblo, Pecos, Tesuque, Pena Blanca and Cochiti Pueblo, NM.