CBD Wholesaler for your Business

Sacred Wellness looks forward to creating long-term partnerships that deliver exceptional value at every level. If you’re searching for high-quality wholesale CBD products, we offer a line of cannabinoid wellness options centered around a balanced, healthy mind and body. As a small independent CBD manufacturer, we prioritize the integrity of our processes, sourcing strictly from the USA.

Our wholesale CBD selection is lab-tested, GMP certified and non-GMO. Produced from organic and sustainable ethically traded ingredients, we take pride in consistency, potency, and superior CBD for businesses to exemplify their brand. Through small batches, we closely manage every aspect and ensure that each and every product more than fulfills customer expectations. From packaging to fast shipping, Sacred Wellness delivers satisfaction.

Our wholesale CBD products are a showcase of curative potential. Consider our Silver 600 mg broad spectrum tincture in natural or lavender mint flavor. There’s no worry over psychoactive effects while retaining the benefits of minor cannabinoids and terpenes. Our CBD: CBG tincture combines the unique effects of Cannabidiol and Cannabigerol while our gluten-free gum drops are both tasty and discreet. We also include an extremely popular line of pet tinctures. Check out our product list today!


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