Your Home For CBD Products Near Cochiti Pueblo

Sacred Wellness invites our friends, neighbors, loyal customers and newcomers from Cochiti Pueblo to stop by our Santa Fe CBD store. With travel options including car, taxi and bus, you’ll arrive at our doors in approximately 40 minutes and be delighted by what you discover. Our shelves are eye-opening, tempting, full of variety and focus your attention on mind and body health.

CBD Products Near You

Dedicated to creating exceptional CBD products, Sacred Wellness remains a small, independent manufacturer. We’re in control of the start to finish process, ensuring small-batch, hands-on and high standards that distinguish our brand. Shop lab tested, non GMO, organic products with confidence. Our ingredients are natural, ethically traded and sustainable.

Visit our store today to see our CBD products!

A sample of our amazing selection includes our Arnica Salve. Combining full spectrum CBD with fragrant and curative basil, chamomile, clove, lavender and yarrow offers a soothing remedy. Consider our Cherry Bark Osha Blend Tincture for an infusion of organic oregano, thyme, eucalyptus and gem essence blend. Sample from our menu of CBD-infused edibles, including Oxymel with 100mg CBD, lemon balm, dandelion root, hawthorn and a lovely blend of organic herbs.


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